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Ice Cream, Sunny Day

Title:Ice Cream, Sunny Day
Medium:Raster Art
Tools:Affinity Photo

This is the drawing I made for my girlfriend for Christmas... well, actually ended up being late for the holiday. Still, it's cute, isn't it? x3


The first step is a simple crudely drawn pose to get a composition going.

Refining the pose sketch, adding details such as fingers and hair.

More sketch refining! Now with all the details in place.

The linework is pretty much done, at least for the foreground. The hair was the part that got the most refinement ^^

Base colors done! Though there will be some refinement down the line, as usual.

Shading! The eye color and skin colors have been refined to look nicer and more natural. Also, during the shading process I've removed some of the lines on the necks, since they didn't need to be there with the shading applied.

Sketching out simple outlines for the background. Just a nondescript street.

Giving the background proper linework. Yeah, it's rather barren and perspective is not perfect >.<
Maybe one day I'll actually learn how to use Blender :p

Sky time! A rather simple blue sky with clouds. Where's the sun? It's behind the "camera", how else would it shine in the way it does :p

Coloring in the background! Softer colors than the foreground are a good idea.

And the finished version! The background's got some nice shading to add some texture and depth!