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Full Color FM
Oldskool House
Frequency Modulated Rainbow Sound
OGG format [3.16 MB]
FLAC format [11.3 MB]
Other Links:
Full Color FM (Long Mix)
BMS at isocosa's BMS works
SoundCloud link

This track was made for the OLDSKOOL VS FUTURE BMS event as a part of the OLDSKOOL team.
I originally planned to create a techno track, but I fell into some trouble where I wasn't sure how to continue the work on that tune. Instead, I decided to look into my unfinished projects for anything that would fit the OLDSKOOL style and finish it. I found this simple but really nice house loop I did, so I decided to build a complete track from it for the event.
I had trouble coming up with a nice title, but ultimately I'm happy with it. The tune I have made made me think of flying, soaring rainbows, enveloping you in a happy dance. Also, most of the synths are FM, which is where the FM part comes from.