All The Updates of 2023
2023-10-31 - Live and Unlocked
Woohoo, another update! This time, it's a BMS version of Dead Lock by Elwood! A legendary tracker tune from 1995, now in BMS form! It includes both a shorter BMS cut, and a Long Version that has the whole 4 minute song. All 100% charted in 7k and 5k! Oh yeah, I've also made a really cool BGA to come with it! So what are you waiting for? Click me and check it out! If you're still not convinced, then why not look at the YouTube video capture of the BMS?

As for the website itself, the mobile layout has been thoroughly optimized now. While it doesn't look as fancy as it used to, it is now much smoother than before! The optimizations all boil down to getting rid of fixed position backgrounds (as in, when you scroll, the background stays in place). This means the nice gradient in the background won't stay like it used to (instead, it's a tiling image), but I think it still looks fine. Guess the fixed position background support on mobile browsers is just awful for some reason.
Now, if you're wondering how I've been... I'm doing okay, though I've been better. My stomach's acting up and I'm feeling a bit nauseous and low energy as I'm typing this. I'm not worried about it though, it's a thing that comes and goes, so at worst I'll be all good in a week. If you remember my Twitter (RIP), then you've probably seen me complain about this before.
Besides that, I've been doing some Deep Rock Galactic gaming as usual. I'm looking forward to the November update that's supposed to add a few nice quality of life features and such, so that's cool! Also, all my dwarves are now promoted to Diamond 1! Rock and Stone!

Well, that's it for now! I've poured a lot of work into the BGA for the BMS, which is why this update took quite a bit of time, but it was definitely a fun project! I might at some point do a Behind the Scenes for it, but we'll see. Anyhow, see ya later and have a good day! ^w^
2023-09-27 - Sorry Nothing
Ah, another month, another update! I don't really have any new content, but since I also use this as a blog, I'm gonna talk about how things are going. Anyways, when it comes to the website, I've replaced the fancy tiling texture in the background with a .png file of the pattern. Originally it was rendered using CSS gradients arranged in a funky way, which might've not been the most performant. Hopefully this will make the website run a bit smoother on lower end devices.
Another thing that has been updated on this website is that now the full update log is sorted into a list. Each year gets its own page, and the links on the main list will scroll you to the appropriate update. This was done because of a very simple reason: the singular page listing all the updates was getting too long. Hey, at least it means I care about this website :P I've seen too many personal sites get dropped for no apparent reason other than loss of interest (and maybe the way social media makes it easier to post things). I don't wanna end up like that!
As for what's going on with me... I've been watching the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime, 'cause my boyfriend was like "yooo you should watch JoJo!" so we're watching that. We're at the second half of the Stardust Crusaders season. So far, I've been really enjoying the show ^^ Admittedly hard to say much about it without spoiling a whole lot of stuff.
As for isocosa gaming, my Deep Rock Galactic addiction isn't stopping anytime soon. Doesn't help that both my boyfriend and girlfriend love playing the game together ^^ Anyhow, I've got all my classes promoted to Platinum 3! Rock and Stone! Next goal: Diamond 1!

Ah yeah, in EZ2ON REBOOT : R, I've managed to clear every chart (well, the ones that I can access since I don't have all the DLC) from level 1 to level 14 in 6K Standard mode! Also, every chart in the 2nd TraX category is cleared in 6K Standard mode. Pretty cool! Also, I've gotten myself the Prestige Pass DLC, which has some really nice songs. Also, got my first NO MISS on a level 15, and it's on Over Drying, which is a song from this DLC! Ain't that neat?

By the way, remember previous update's teaser? Here's a bit more to show you that, indeed, work is still being done!

Sorry that this update doesn't really have any new content, but oh well. Hope you're having a good day! ^^
2023-08-25 - Having a Strawberry Good Time!
Heyo! As you can see, I've decided to make things a bit more fancy around here! For the longest time, something was bothering me about the design of my website. It wasn't bad, it just lacked that je ne sais quoi. It wasn't as personal and expressive as I wanted it to be. Admittedly, that design was created during a time when I was rather reserved and didn't really know what I wanted all that well. However, now that I've gotten better regarding that trait, I've decided it was a really good time to give my website a nice upgrade! It looks way nicer and pleasant than the old look, don't you agree? Of course, such comparison would be silly to do without a comparison shot, so here it is:

I've also fixed a bunch of smaller issues with the layout along the way, because it's as good as time as any. And yes, since the old button for the website was designed after the old logo, I have made a new button with the new logo, which you can find on the Links page. And yes, I've kept the old button, because it'd be a waste to get rid of it :3
Also, pages that are text-centric (such as this one) now have a set maximum width in order to increase readability on wide screens. However, pages that benefit from widescreen (such as the pages under isocosa's BMS works remain as they were. Of course, if your screen is less wide than the text page, the padding will be hidden, so it'll look nice no matter what.
As for other stuff, the Miscellaneous tab in isocosa's BMS works finally has something up for grabs: a theme for the iBMSC editor! This is the iBMSC theme that I've made and I've been using for... gosh, quite a long while, so I thought it'd be nice to make it publicly available ^^
As for what's been going on with me? Well, I've been on another vacation! This time without any rude cats to cause ruckus around the house :P
One of the things we've done during the vacation was going to the cinema to watch Oppenheimer. Quite a deep movie, there's a lot to talk about, but can't really say much without spoiling it. One thing I must say is that it doesn't glamorize the subject matter, it's all quite visceral in an emotional way. Definitely worth a watch!
Apart from that, we've been to a Moroccan restaurant (in the Netherlands, there's a lot of citizens of Moroccan origin) and we ate some Moroccan pancakes with strawberries. I think it was pretty nice, and wow the pancake itself was very sweet!

After that, we went to a garden where you can pick strawberries. You still have to pay for them though! After doing the plucking, we ate some strawberry popsicles. Also, while going through the strawberries to pluck, I found this silly looking one, but didn't pluck it since I wasn't sure if it was gonna be any good or not. After all, we were gonna eat them later :P

Apart from that, I've been playing quite a bit of EZ2ON REBOOT : R, mainly focusing on the 6k Standard mode. I've managed to reach Level 100. The level really doesn't matter, since the only thing it really indicates is how long you've been playing the game, but I just think it's a nice milestone.

I've also gotten an ALL KOOL (As in perfect score) on Confete's 6k NM (level 5) chart in standard mode, and also managed to get through the Trickster course with all of its hellish BPM changes, even if with a not so great of a grade.

Oh, and and here's a teaser for something I'm cooking up for a future update :3

Well, that's all for now. See you next update! ^w^
2023-07-24 - Slow This Bird Down
Well, I decided to get rid of my Twitter because, frankly, it's a miserable place full of miserable people who want to make others miserable. I don't need that in my life. Also, it's slowly falling apart thanks to atrocious management, so there wouldn't be much point in staying there anyways. Well, if you want to contact me, you can go to the Contact Info page and pick how you'd like to contact me.
Speaking of the Contact Info page, I've removed the Twitter link (obviously) and added my Discord username, because after the change in the username system, it became quite trivial to find me. Here's a hot take: I like the username system change on Discord, because I've got dyscalculia and just can't remember numbers that well, so it makes things so much easier and more convenient for me. Also, the E-Mail link is now a proper E-Mail link, because I ended up getting the good old Nigerian Prince scam mail despite using a PNG of the text. No worries, it ended up in my spam folder :P
Ah, what have I been doing this whole time? Well, admittedly not much creative work. Mostly been working on myself and spending time with my loved ones :3 Me, my boyfriend and his dad would play together Deep Rock Galactic - The Board Game. It's really fun and captures the feel of the video game exceptionally well! It does take forever to set up and clean up tho, because it has so many pieces and figurines (admittedly very nice figurines).
Here's a pair of pics taken of the game:

As for the Deep Rock Galactic video game, I've promoted all my dwarves to Platinum 1! ROCK AND STONE! Also check out my Bunner Gunner ^^

Oh yeah, I've also gone on a week long vacation with my boyfriend and his family. The Wi-Fi there was... terrible. We were planning to do some board gaming there, but in the house we were staying over there's a very rowdy cat who wouldn't let it happen. He's cute though! I did use the time to work on a thing that I can't disclose yet (the parts that I can do without reliable internet connection), so it wasn't a waste of time :p
Oh yeah, also during the vacation me and my boyfriend went to watch the Barbie movie and it was surprisingly way better than I expected (and I did expect it to be good from what I've heard)! Didn't expect a Barbie movie to be delving into the topics of existential dread and identity (among other things) and pulling them off really well! Definitely deserves a watch if you haven't seen it already ^^
As for the updates to the website, well... Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have much to offer in terms of content. However, I have added some cool people to the links page, so be sure to check them out! They come from the Knockout's Neocities thread, and many of them linked to my website, so it was only appropriate to link back ^^
Oh yeah, and since I no longer have a Twitter (or "X" or whatever the hell it is called now), the posts will be longer so I can say more about what's happening. With that, the amount of posts on The Front Page displayed at once has been reduced to 5 to make it more manageable. Hopefully, this is a welcome change, and I hope that you're having a fantastic day ^^
2023-05-05 - Schedule Slipping
Ah, I did say I was gonna update this website every month but then I started therapy and joined a proper Dutch language study class and just I have no idea and just overall got into another creative rut. Ah well, such is life. So yeah, a bit late but hey, here's something!
So, first up, we've got a NEW BMS TRACK! Just a thing I made to derust from artistic slumber and also to try out making a big beat track. Oh yeah, you can also listen to it on its music page. Anyhow, hope I did well! >w<
Also, decided to put up this silly picture I made in Tux Paint on this site, because why not :P
Anyways, hope you're doing well! ^^
2023-01-30 - Cute Bunny Years
Well, a new year has come, a year of the rabbit! Well, I've unfortunately started out the year quite rough, but things are on track now so I'm not worried too much about the future. Also, I've decided to stop actively using Twitter because it was affecting me negatively. Being exposed to concentrated amounts of absolute stupidity can really fry your brain like an omelet.
Anyways, with this update I bring you two BMS sabun packs for following tunes:
- Nakaiankow - The Tiger Eyes - Modern EDM style music? If it's good, then why not? The speedups are fun!
- aym - Banana Problem - A BMS from 1999, again? Yeah, this track is a fun bop, what's not to like? :3
Sure, it ain't much, but it's still nice ^u^
I hope you'll enjoy them and I hope this year has been treating you good so far! Ciao! :3