All The Updates of 2022
2022-12-25 - Can You Believe It? 2023 Is In A Week!
Heyo! Just before this year ends, I thought it'd be nice to treat y'all to a new BMS! It's called Going Everywhere! Yes, as you can see from the title, it is related to Going Backwards, though it's a lot more upbeat and interesting than that. Of course, a rendered OGG/FLAC version of it can be found in the My Music section as usual :)
Other than that, For the next year, I'm hoping that I'll be able to have at least one update every month for this website.
Other than that, I don't have much to say other than wishing y'all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2023! Cheers! ^u^
2022-11-29 - Feel the Light
Well, this is a rather small update. Planned to do a bit more for it, but hey! So, what's new?
First off, take-a-nobu has graced us with more hard rave BMS goodness, and it's called Blue Veil ~Rave's Theme~! Make sure to check out the extended cuts available on Bandcamp and support the fellow artist!
The other thing is my new avatar! I've planned to go back to a bunny, so I finally did it! :3 It's plenty cute!
Well, there's not much more to say, really! Also, I've gotten myself addicted to Deep Rock Galactic >.> Admittedly, really fun and really good game!
Oh and yeah, I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend now. Guess I'm polyamorous after all O.o And yes, they get along well and we voice chat together when we have time ^^ My life is quite strange indeed...
2022-10-29 - Charted Territory
Well, this update is a rather big one! Yup, I've been a busy bee (or maybe more of a busy bunny :P) this month, so let's see what's in store:
- Two news BMS tracks by me, one of which is a collaboration! Those were done for THE BMS OF FIGHTERS : ET event. Here they are:
- Things of Peculiar Nature - A progressive drumfunk track? Yup! Very jazzy, very unique! I can definitely say I'm proud of this one ^^
- glitter shards - A collaboration between me and CAELUS (one of the aliases of Hyparpax). Made in 4 days start to finish, but the end result is still pretty nice! Very atmospheric and video-gamey.
- The above BMS songs are also available in the Music section.
- Six (!) new BMS sabun packs for a variety of songs:
- 空読無 白眼 - conjuctiva - A quite weird and atmospheric track from Kudomu Shirome. They're a master when it comes to their brand of weird soundscapes, and this is no exception.
- Circy - The post (schranz remix) - Absolutely wild! Sounds like a cross between noise and schranz.
- Frums - Credits - An evergreen classic by Frums. Yeah, it definitely needed proper normal charts, so here they are!
- unknown "λ" - 19ZZ - Yeah, another BMS by Frums. I went above and beyond for this one, as the BMS itself was keysounded in a very inefficient fashion, which led to some sections not being keysounded fully. This required me to find and replace every redundant keysound and then cut the uncut keysounds. Now it's fully keysounded and charted, with expected stairs and repeated taps!
- ALICE2000 - Down The Rabbit-hole - It's a BMS from 1999! Yes, I chose it because it has rabbit in the title :P
- KIDS 2 GO HAND - Breaking the ヨッツ - Quite a cool track, even if quite minimal! This one has quite fun scratch section on higher difficulties.
That's quite a lot of sabuns, isn't it? Also plenty of variety in style too! Be sure to check them out! - Added Event Entry links to the My BMS Music page, so you can see how they performed in an event, or if the event is still ongoing, give a vote after playing!
- One new drawing in My Art section. Yeah, I should draw more often >_>
Well, that's quite a big update, isn't it? Hope you'll enjoy all of this cool stuff! ^^
2022-09-04 - Issue Tracker, Issue Smacker
Originally this was meant to be a simple fix for a simple thing, then I found more issues. Anyways, here's what's fixed:
- On the BMS Sabun page, the Event and Entry Link for ag's Right Back were incorrect. This has been now fixed. Thanks go to Hyparpax for pointing this out!
- Improved thumbnails on lower resolution screens for BMS Works and My Games pages.
- Fixed incorrect width parameter for lower resolution screens on My Games page.
- Set the text padding to be consistent with other pages on My Games page.
2022-08-30 - Sabun Sabun Sabun
Heyo! I have made a 3 new fresh sabun packs for MITCH DOWNVELL's visceral, ag's Right Back and Qwesta's APFSDS. You can grab the sabuns from here!
Oh yeah, I've also added links to where you can download the original BMSes that the sabuns were made for and links to the artist's pages. While I can't guarantee that those outbound links will work (after all they're not hosted by me), it should be quite an improvement. And yeah, linking artists is cool, make sure to check them out :)
See you at THE BMS OF FIGHTERS : ET as I join Team Keysounds in their quest for BMS goodness!
2022-07-25 - Mandatory Beach Episode
This month hasn't been particularily active. Part of the reason is that well... I went on vacation with my boyfriend and his family! Went swimming at the beach, got some new clothes from the stores around the place we've been staying at, and just overall relaxing and taking our minds off all the worries. Also, I've been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team recently, which is actually pretty neat.
Have a picture of me making some jams during the vacation:

I think the hoodie is pretty cute! I did also get some new clothes and a pair of bracelets. The bracelets are nice but I can't wear them too often 'cause they get in the way when using a computer >.> You can see the bracelets here:

My Miyoo Mini got quite a lot of use during the vacation, though I mainly played beatmania games on it during that time. Here's me playing some beatmania BEST HITS on my way back home:

Yeah, I know, it's not much of an update, but it's something. Also now you know what I look like :P
Anyways, I hope you're doing well, don't let the sun obliterate you, wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water! Ciao!
2022-06-11 - Get a Late Pass!
Well, this is embarassing...
So, I have planned to do a whole redesign of the website, but never ended up doing it. My thoughts were that well... I wouldn't bother updating the site until the redesign was done, to save me from having to rebuild every page. As you can see, that did not happen. Also, doesn't help that I've been dealing with anxiety, which has been quite paralyzing when it comes to making anything or talking to people. Since there's no point in dawdling any longer, I've decided to do a few updates here and there, gonna list them here:
- isocosa's BMS works now displays songs in a grid if your display's big enough. No more wasted space!
- Added a new song, Motion Modifier, to My Music page
- Added 2 artworks I made during the time of no updates to My Art page.
- Added Super Custom Online Flashcards! to My Games page.
As for what I was doing when I wasn't updating this site? Well, I've played way too much Risk of Rain 2, the game's hella addictive. Also, I've been working on a game with my boyfriend, but it's still quite early in progress! Hopefully I can dig myself out of this rut and do more stuff (I do want to, believe me), but we'll see.
2022-01-20 - Right Here, Right Now
Oh, this is a big update! If you've been following me on Twitter, you've already got a glimpse of what this update has to offer. The amount of changes is rather massive, so let's list them out:
- The Music page has been completely reworked and improved. The song list is now categorized and a lot prettier. Also, every song has its own page now, which contains information about the song, download links and a music player!
- I've released the Lucy and the Gem Dungeon OST! Apparently people really enjoyed the music I made for that game, so now you don't have to launch the game anymore to listen to it.
- I have become a Neocities supporter, which means that all the files are now hosted on Neocities! I didn't enjoy relying on Google Drive to host the files on this website, so I'm happy with this. Also, this makes the music player on the music pages possible. Hopefully this won't affect download speeds much.
- The menu bar has been reworked. This is to reduce the chances of a scrollbar appearing (apparently some users didn't know they could scroll it). However, if the scrollbar on the menu appears, it'll be more noticeable on compatible browsers now thanks to custom styling.
- Page title scheme has been changed to make it appear nicer in every context. Turns out the website's name should come AFTER the current page's title.
- Various other small tweaks to the layout.
This update had a little slip up, apparently files bigger than 100MB aren't supported, and also filenames shouldn't have spaces in them, but it should be all fine now.
Hope this new year has been treating you well so far! ^^